
all cards are produced and distributed by "Nouva Arti Grafiche Ricordi S.r.l. - PH.Toscani, Milano"

Cat and dog, 1990

Angel and devil, 1991-92

Black baby with the teddy bears, 1990-91

Black baby with teddy bear, 1990-91

Black woman breastfeeding white baby, 1989-90

Tongues, 1991

Zebra and parrot, 1991-92

Kiss, 1991

Football championships, 1994

Horses, 1996-97

Children on the pot, 1990

Priest and nun, 1991-92

Portraits (Sexes), 1993

Aids, 1997

School, 1989-90

Baton, 1990

Pinocchi, 1991

Condoms, 1991

Marbles, 1990-91

Toilet paper roll, 1991-92

Hand with rice, 1997

Palette, 1990-91

Bosnian soldier, 1994

Hands, 1990

Twins, 1994

Wolf and lamb kissing

Wolf and lamb, 1990-91

Newborn baby, 1991-92

Handcuffs, 1989-90

Barbed wire, 1995

Antennae, 1995


Arab and Israeli, 1986

Bakers, 1990

Hearts, 1995-96

HIV Back, 1993-94
